Master Naly
and unlock the power of harmony and balance with the guidance of a Feng Shui Master.
Zodiac Life Analysis
Gain insights into your life’s path, personality traits, and opportunities based on your zodiac sign.
Auspicious Dates for Marriage
Discover the best times for tying the knot, ensuring harmony and lasting happiness in your union.
Ideal Times for Childbirth
Identify the most favorable dates for bringing new life into the world, aligned with positive energies.
Optimal Dates for Opening a Business or Moving into a New Home
Choose auspicious days to open a shop, move into a new house, or begin a new venture for success and prosperity.
Feng Shui Arrangement for Homes, Offices, and Condos
Transform your living or working spaces with harmonious Feng Shui arrangements that boost energy and productivity.
Doung Keov Kamnet Arrangement
Expert setup and alignment of Doung Keov Kamnet (specialized Feng Shui elements) to enhance balance and protection.
Astronomy-Based House Design
Align your home’s design and layout with celestial influences for optimal energy flow and harmony.
House Degree Setting
Precise adjustments to your home’s orientation and positioning for maximum alignment with Feng Shui principles.
Feng Shui Consultation for House Buying
Receive expert guidance on selecting a house with favorable Feng Shui to support your health, wealth, and happiness.